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How to Create a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

As the current world is filled with technology and internet connectivity, it is important for any small business to incorporate the use of online marketing techniques. There is no doubt that an artistic strategy of digital marketing can unlock the new clients for increased popularity along with the increment in company’s growth. Below is a simple guide to successfully developing an appropriate digital marketing strategy for small businesses based on the best practices of leading marketing companies Vancouver.

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  1. Understand Your Target Audience

One must always know your customers before venturing into digital marketing strategies. Rather, there should be research that is able to compare the characteristics of the target audience in terms of age, gender and lifestyle among other factors that define the type of traffic that is best suited for the website. Understanding your audience will assist you in the selection of your marketing messages and the marketing channels you are going to use to pass the message.

  1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Thus, every successful digital marketing campaign should be based on the clear vision of objectives. No matter what your goals are – be it website traffic, leads, or sales – having these defined will help you to stay on track and determine what’s working. Small businesses have to remember that goals have to be reasonable based on the available endowment.

  1. Establish Yourself Online

Building an online store is the first step of developing the right strategy when it comes to digital marketing. First content element is to establish an easily navigable, mobile-first website with the simple message, ‘what we do and why it matters’. It is advisable to spend money on search engine optimization (SEO) in order to have your website rank high in search engines, especially Google. You need to note that engaging the services of different digital marketing agencies Vancouver can assist you in improving the appearance and functionality of your company’s website.

  1. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media are very useful nowadays in order to communicate with the audience as well as to advertise your services and your products. The most effective strategies are the one where professionals opt for the platforms, most relevant to the target audience and the industry. For example, Instagram may be right for a visually-oriented business, whereas LinkedIn may be better for B2B businesses. Post useful content regularly, respond to your readers and write comments, and utilize sponsored posts to increase your audience base.

  1. Create Valuable Content

Content marketing is a low-cost means of acquiring and maintaining customers. One of the best ways to go about it is to develop content that is of high quality and more importantly, relevant within your sector – blog posts, for instance, or a series of videos or infographics that espouse your brand as the authority to turn to. It should be content that targets the problems faced by your audience and presents solutions thus leading to web traffic from the audience.

  1. Invest in Paid Advertising

Google Ads and social media ads for instance are other effective ways of promoting your website and business online and they provide instant results. The last aspect stays paramount for small businesses as you should learn how to spend your money properly. Begin with working with a comparatively small amount of money, experiment with the ad formats, and analyze the outcomes. For this reason, this approach will assist you in discovering what is more effective in relation to your campaigns and optimizing them.

  1. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be one of the top channels of cultivating potential clients and making more sales. Collect people’s email addresses through taking surveys, offering free things like coupons or e-books and dividing audiences of e-mails. Weekly, monthly or even yearly newsletters, promotional emails, updates about your brand can help remind your subscribers about you.

  1. Strategic Analysis and Tactical Planning

It is possible to have regular improvement in the digital marketing process for the growth of the strategy. Ensure that you acquire analytics tools that can monitor performance for every channel then check the results now and then. Find out what is best and what is worst and be prepared to make the change. Most of the marketing companies Vancouver, including Bernum can assist you to get insights and different tools for enhancing the effectiveness of your online advertising.


It is never too difficult to devise a perfect digital marketing plan for your small business if you know the basics. It is always important to have an understanding of your audience, as well as to have established clear goals, and as a result choose the right channels to market your business online. Consulting with the leading digital marketing agencies in Vancouver can additionally improve your strategy to help keep your business relevant in a continuously developing online environment.